Wednesday, 02 January 2013 06:32

Zone 5 Training

In this last article of Heart Rate Zone work, we will discuss how including small amounts of Heart Rate Zone 5 in your training plan can have you in the best fitness and racing shape of your life.
Zone 5 or Vo2 max is defined as the maximal oxygen uptake that can be utilized in one minute during maximal exercise effort. Zone 5 is race pace for 5k and less to finish-line sprints. Where this number lies in relationship to other competitors can be an indication of athletic potential. I use the word potential because many athletes do not train to reach their Vo2 max potential. Although Vo2 max has traditionally been thought to be number or ceiling set by genetic factors, i.e. ones parents, there are emerging studies that indicate that proper training can increase an athlete’s Vo2 max up to 20%.
Elite athletes have a very high Vo2 max. From a very early time in their life they were the kids that excelled in all things athletic. What about the rest of us? We are considered recreational runners. Running is fun for us, yet we too have goals and dreams of PRing and signing up for increasingly more challenging races. If this describes you and you’re not including a few, “all out pace” intervals sessions in your training cycle then chances are you’re not reaching your Vo2 max potential either. A small amount of hard effort can go a long way to improve your neuromuscular pathways, running economy and speed. Part of the definition of Vo2 max is maximal exercise effort. Vo2 max effort is an all out effort. It makes you breath hard and sometimes throw-up! Even an endurance runner will want to include a few Vo2max potential workouts in his/her training schedule to be in the best racing fitness condition.
Training Recommendation: Since running at an all out pace is very taxing on the joint and cardiovascular systems, workouts that incorporate Vo2 max intervals are brief: 30sec-5min in length with rest periods between the intervals. These efforts are run at 5k to sprint pace.
A sample of a typical Vo2 max workout: Warm-up 10-15min very easy in Heart Rate Zone 1-2. Then include 1-2 sets 5-10 x 60sec pick-ups to an all out effort. Rest period between pick-ups are 60sec-3min, making sure you allow your heart rate to return to Z2 between pick-ups. Cool-down Z2 10-15min.
Work in Heart Rate Zone 5: 1-3days/month for 5-20min per workout. Workouts in Zone 5 are considered an advanced workout session. Only incorporate Zone 5 work in your training plan if you have good running form and are not prone to injuries. Zone 5 workouts are for the athlete that has a solid Zone 1-2 base, has incorporated tempo work in Z3 & 4, and is now looking to increase their fitness and racing to the next level.